Sunday, July 13, 2008

Remnants of Days Gone By

The 1950's and early 60's were a time to remember and a time to cherish, growing up in Norristown, Pennsylvania, on a street with row homes and a quiet neighborhood of mostly Italian people one generation removed from Italy. Isn't is funny how remembering always seems better, the balmy nights sitting on the front steps listening to the ball game on the radio, the smell of hot Italian foods being made, the sound of all the neighbors communicating on the stoops, the knowledge that within this world you were content, although at the time it seem like a place you could not wait to get away from. Days gone by, the good times, the sights, sounds, smells, oh but to relive those days for just a moment. Isn't it strange how we waste the best days of our lives so that we may remember them with fondness years later when we cannot ever go home again. The music, the food, the people, the friends, all gone now and just a remembrance. Well, here is a remembrance of all those who have gone: Matty Raimo, Uncle Johnny, Aunt Liana, Aunt Mary, Aunt Lucy, Aunt Tavia, Don Kocher, Mom, and Dad. And a remembrance of those that have become more memories than reality: Barbara Kretsch, Charlotte Heaton, Cathy, Johnson, Corrao, Rootie, Harold, Betsy, Chubby, Jackie, Delores, Anna, and finally a remembrance of those that remain close to this day and offer a reminder of the days that were worth remembering: Sully, Sam, Jase, Bobby, Charlotte, Judy, Charles...
Lastly, Florida is a great place, generic as it may be, but I have a new life with a fine wife and a dog, Oh yes, I miss the Old days, but then again don't we all.

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