Saturday, October 4, 2008

Saturdays with Sully

Saturdays, Coffee, Politics, wow how the world is changing, Obviously Saturdays in Collegeville have changed. First, I am no longer there to provide the jokes, Second, The far left has changed the debate I am sure. Saturdays in Collegeville will change drastically when Barack Obama is elected in November, and it appears that this is becoming a reality more each day. George W has literally destroyed the Republican party singlehandedly, of course the fact that the Republicans nominated a walking corpse does not help either. Now, let's be real, the next President no matter how far left he may be, and Barack is as far left as you can be without being named Stalin, will not have any money for programs, will have a war that is stagnant to resolve, and will only serve a 4 year term before he is booted out to the curb. What I find most fascinating about this election year is that Sarah Palin is actually a refreshing change from the normal ho hum politics, but as much as she is liked, the Dead body she is dragging around with her makes it a lost cause. I am a Conservative Republican but I cannot cast a vote for John McCain, I will not vote for Obama, so I am left with not voting at all. Maybe Obama's time is now, it appears more and more everyday we are becoming a Socialist State, so maybe now is time for a Socialist President. Now, of course Saturday's in Collegeville will be much more lively, especially since Obama's tax plan directly effects one of the members of the Coffee Club!!! I guess the Country Club membership will be the first to go, and then Sully will not have a pool to wade in anymore.. Maybe it is time to invite Liberals to Saturdays with Sully! It appears the rift is growing wider on Saturdays, since Jase is now espousing Liberalism. Well I guess the talk can always turn to the Phillies since they are headed to the World Series. Lastly, let's just take time to see where we stand since the last time I was at a Saturday gathering:
1. The Market is barely hanging on at 10,000
2. We have an African American and a Woman on tickets
3. 700 Billion Bail Out of Wall Street
4. Banks collapsing everyday
5. Muslims taking over Nuclear Pakistan
6. Iran getting Nukes
7. Russia attacks Georgia
8. Iraq is still going nowhere
9. Gas prices are outrageous
10. We are now fighting Pirates in Sommalia

Well I guess there is still plenty to discuss Saturdays with Sully.

Till next time.

1 comment:

Sully said...

Don't count the corpse out just yet.

Also, don't count on Obama restricting his tax increases to the Sam class. Clinton claimed he was only going to taxt the rich back in his day. After he was elected he said he had been misunderstood.

I just watched Obama promise about a trillion dollars of spending on health care, foreign aid, education, etc. during the debate. He isnt going to be able to extract all of that money from the Sam class.