Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mirage Maybe

Was it a Mirage? Never let it be said that memories do not become harder to remember, it appears as you grow older, your memory begins to wane. I try to remember things that I was able to remember before and now I have to stop and think about them and try to coax out the memory. Age is somewhat a reminder that although you feel no different, thing are changing daily, what was easy years ago is now a daunting task. This gives me pause and makes me want to retire and enjoy the time allotted. Isn't it strange that when you finally reach a stage in your transformation that things become more blurred and less clear. I still love Sports, but now cannot watch as I use to, it seems more like wasting time than enjoying the sport. I have begun to realize that Sports was never a love but more a diversion, and at this time of life, diversion is just wasting time. Doris and I enjoy Nascar, and we enjoy the Villages, and quick trips to Nowhere, we try to keep moving, but sometimes that is easier said than done. We are going to try Golf together, this may either be a blessing or a huge error, nonetheless, it is something we can do together. Work is becoming something that I have to make myself do, this is never a goof situation, I guess I am ready to retire, or maybe it is just I am tired of all the BS that comes with a job. By the way, how does one get scheduled for a week of Jury Duty?, well needless to say I have been scheduled. Of course, my Racist, Death Penalty stance may cure that!! Politics is becoming mundane, just the same old BS from both parties. When will we ever learn that your vote and $2.67 will buy you a Latte at Starbucks, if they have not closed your store... Believe it or not Halloween is just around the corner and then Thanksgiving and Christmas, and another year is gone, did they go that fast before?? I am tired of Donuts!!! In the grand scheme of things, I am sure there is a purpose but obviously I have not been paying attention.. Maybe President Barack will make it better, or maybe he will just make it for himself as so many others!! I would have voted for a candidate, however, last time I checked there were none! Maybe I am just cynical or maybe I am hallucinating, let's see:
  • Gas prices climb
  • Market Tanks
  • Food cost more
  • Housing is in the toilet
  • Barack is talking about Pigs
  • McCain is talking about the Bridge to nowhere
  • Social Security is going Bankrupt
  • Nobody gives a HOOT

Does that sound like an hallucination? Well I certainly hope it is!! All I can say at this point is I should have never complained about living on Penn street, it appears I may end of there afterall!!

Last thought for this session: I guess the saying " When Pigs Fly" may yet come true!!

Good night Mrs, Calabash wherever y0u are!!

And Sam the Phillies are taking the pipe as usual.............

1 comment:

Sully said...

I see you're in a good mood today.