Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I want to start by giving credit to Don McLean for the title as it was taken from his song "American Pie". Contemplation is a very sobering realization, and the longer you contemplate the more you realize that we as a Nation have changed in ways that are far from becoming. I will add this note before proceeding, It is no doubt the Media that has changed the American Psyche, and has led to what I will call for now "the losing of America". We have allowed the "Media", (and I use that word with trepidation and dismay) to shape our day to day lives in ways that only George Orwell could have imagined. Orwell talk of "Big Brother", and we naturally assumed it was the Government we needed to fear, when in truth it was the Media that was "Big Brother" and was always watching. Allow me to digress, Remember DiMaggio, Williams, Gehrig, Mantle, Mays, Aaron, Gretsky, Starr, Jim Brown, Lou Groza, Fiorello LaGuardia, Franklin Roosevelt, Gandhi. Now ask yourself what do they all have in common, Ball Players, Mayors, Presidents, Statesmen? They once were what you might refer to as Folk Heroes of a sort, people that we looked up to, people that we believed in, so what has changed, well I am going to tell you my version of this story. What has changed is the Media, nothing anymore sinister than that, Let's start at what appears to be an innocent beginning, Martin Luther King, isn't it strange that the media followed his every step, video taped his every movement, and of course broadcasted his every foible, we relished in it, and then who was there the fateful day he was shot, who else, the Media, Cameras ready and film rolling, They built him up, tore him down and reveled in his demise. Who had cameras rolling when JFK was killed, who spoke of his illicit encounters with Marilyn Monroe, the media who else. Speaking of Marilyn, who conduted the vigil at her home upon her suicide, the Media who else. Is the story becoming more clear, if not, let me continue: Lest we not forget, Richard Nixon, Gary Hart, Jimmy Carter, Newt Gingrich, all made into heroes by the media in order to chop them down to size, and we nodded and drank the Kool Aid like good puppets. Then of course for the sake of proving their omnipotence, they had a President impeached, had an aid to the President commit suicide, all in the name of Journalism, and again we nodded and drank another cup. The list is endless but allow me to remember those unfortunates: George W Bush(the Media Darling), Trent Lott, Dan Quayle, Mark McGuire, Rafael Palmerio, Sammy Sosa, Lance Armstrong, and the lsit goes on, as we nod and drink another glass. What if we never tuned in, what would happen, would the world end, time stop, what please tell me, because we now have an addiction to tune in for the latest devastation. We have forgotten what was good about us, and all we know now is what the Media tells us and needs us to believe. Here is a brief quiz, see if you are one of us, If they advertised a TV show that was nothing but Murder, Death, Violence, Slander, Inuendo, Deceit, and totally absurd.. Would you watch it? I certainly hope you answered in the negative, but then think twice, isn't that what the Media provides every night at 7PM Nationally? And of course we nod once again and drink another glass. I am fascinated with how the Media latches on to a story and continues to pedal it night after night with no regard for accuracy, truth, or how harmful it may be. I read a story on page 9 of a newspaper the other day and I realized what was happening, it was a story about the 16th Street Baptist Church and 19 sticks of dynamite, granted this happened in 1963, but it just happened to be the anniversary of the event, and it got Page 9, what was on Page 1 you ask? Well it was the Market crisis, the coming of the 2nd Great Depression, and what was on the 7PM shows, (1) the coming of the Great Depression, (2) Global Warming ended Mankind, (3) Bombings in Pakistan, (4) Iran and Nukes, (5) N Korea and Nukes. Roosevelt said "We have nothing to Fear but Fear itself", Roosevelt must have been talking of the Media for sure. Allow me to close by quoting "They took the last train for the Coast. the day the Music died", It appears that we have two choices, one is to take back what we have given up, or two, just keep drinking the Kool Aid and you won't even notice when the Music dies.
Good Night Mrs. Calabash wherever you are.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Yes it is September 15th, and it is time to use the "Way back machine to go back in time". First let's try some names of places and see if you remember them as well as I do. Lou's, Babe's, the MSS, the SSS, Raffeo's, Marcy's, Chatlins, Martins, the 5 & 10, the EL, The Grant, The Norris, Logrips, Giamo's, Holy Savior, Stinky's, The Norris Tavern, LaRoma's, Electrolux, the Red Peppers. Names of a bygone era, names of places that are merely memories, names that once were as bright and shiny as Macy's, Nordstroms, places that were something before the Malls, places that you could walk on a Saturday night, places that were a haven and refuge for the generation before ours. Main Street was really once a main street in a town tarnished by the hands of time, a street and town that time forgot. The Malls have devoured all these streets and towns, and a mad rush to suburbia destroy all remnants of the glory days long since gone, all in the name of progress. Isn't Progress a strange subject, it is what we all seek but at the expense of what we use to enjoy, I have begun to realize what it is that makes the Villages such an allure, it is the thought of the old towns that once lived and now are but mere memories that we all wish to enjoy once again. It is the idea of walking the Main Street of town, and looking in the shops, listening to the music, and feeling at home again. It is obvious that the reason everyone says "What goes around, comes around", is because we never realize what we had till it is gone and of course we want it back, and some entreprenuer gives us nostalgia at a price. The sad part is that we gave it all away for nothing, well I guess not nothing, but progress. Progress, a strange word, look at progress, you can see it in all we do everyday, and the question that requires answering is "Are we better off". Progress lent itself to Lehman Brothers, Fannie Mae, Freedie Mac, AIG, and look where they are today! Progress gave us the Walmarts of the World, isn't that just wonderful! Progress gave us 300 Channels of Cable TV, Wow, it takes the entire day to go through the channels. Progress has made us think that taking a walk is exercise, whereas, before it was a past time. Progress has put a Man on the Moon, but we still have to pay $25 to check a bag on an Airplane. Progress gave us OPEC, and Gasoline is more expensive than ever. Progress gave us Central Air, and now we cannot go outside because it is too hot! People flock to the Villages to find the oldtime hometown that Progress took away while they slept, Progress is a thief in the night, stealing what you treasure so dearly in the name of moving forward. Obviously, it is moving backwards that people seek more and more today, strange as it may seem, we have finally realized that all the things Progress took from us were worth keeping. Isn't it a sad state of affairs when the Presidential race is about "change", another word for "progress" I am afraid. The San Salvador Club use to have a "Feast" every year, and it was a place where everyone could gather and talk about their lives for the previous year, ewnjoy good food, good conversation, and a sense of belonging, those days have long since disappeared and sadly we fail to remember them. Progress is am ongoing process that eventually will lead us back to where we began, because each time we make progress, we seek what was once the days of yore. I suppose we will come full circle and meld the Old with the New, but it never really seems the same, the days of yore are specifically that because you can never go home again. Insight into what makes us happy usually leads us back to where we began, but then again progress makes that journey all the more arduous. Sometimes a good lemonade on the corner of Main and Walnut is something to really cherish. Well, I guess I have digressed beyond what I should, until next time, let's try to remember the kind of September when grass was green and grain was yellow. Progress and the Fantasticks just don't mix do they.. Good Night Mrs. Calabash wherever you are.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mirage Maybe

Was it a Mirage? Never let it be said that memories do not become harder to remember, it appears as you grow older, your memory begins to wane. I try to remember things that I was able to remember before and now I have to stop and think about them and try to coax out the memory. Age is somewhat a reminder that although you feel no different, thing are changing daily, what was easy years ago is now a daunting task. This gives me pause and makes me want to retire and enjoy the time allotted. Isn't it strange that when you finally reach a stage in your transformation that things become more blurred and less clear. I still love Sports, but now cannot watch as I use to, it seems more like wasting time than enjoying the sport. I have begun to realize that Sports was never a love but more a diversion, and at this time of life, diversion is just wasting time. Doris and I enjoy Nascar, and we enjoy the Villages, and quick trips to Nowhere, we try to keep moving, but sometimes that is easier said than done. We are going to try Golf together, this may either be a blessing or a huge error, nonetheless, it is something we can do together. Work is becoming something that I have to make myself do, this is never a goof situation, I guess I am ready to retire, or maybe it is just I am tired of all the BS that comes with a job. By the way, how does one get scheduled for a week of Jury Duty?, well needless to say I have been scheduled. Of course, my Racist, Death Penalty stance may cure that!! Politics is becoming mundane, just the same old BS from both parties. When will we ever learn that your vote and $2.67 will buy you a Latte at Starbucks, if they have not closed your store... Believe it or not Halloween is just around the corner and then Thanksgiving and Christmas, and another year is gone, did they go that fast before?? I am tired of Donuts!!! In the grand scheme of things, I am sure there is a purpose but obviously I have not been paying attention.. Maybe President Barack will make it better, or maybe he will just make it for himself as so many others!! I would have voted for a candidate, however, last time I checked there were none! Maybe I am just cynical or maybe I am hallucinating, let's see:
  • Gas prices climb
  • Market Tanks
  • Food cost more
  • Housing is in the toilet
  • Barack is talking about Pigs
  • McCain is talking about the Bridge to nowhere
  • Social Security is going Bankrupt
  • Nobody gives a HOOT

Does that sound like an hallucination? Well I certainly hope it is!! All I can say at this point is I should have never complained about living on Penn street, it appears I may end of there afterall!!

Last thought for this session: I guess the saying " When Pigs Fly" may yet come true!!

Good night Mrs, Calabash wherever y0u are!!

And Sam the Phillies are taking the pipe as usual.............

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bridges to Nowhere and Pigs??

Well can't you tell the political season is upon us, dare we venture to guess how one can determine this?? Possibly by Bridges and Pigs, your typical political fare I assume.. Shakespeare is turning in his grave, and Ann Coulter is trying to figure out if the "Pig" reference was aimed at her!! Nonetheless, it appears that "Baby" Barack has taken the Conservative bait and is now reeling hook, liner and sinker.. It appears that "Baby"(For lack of a better, more apropos handle) Barack is now running for President against the Vice Presidential nominee of the GOP, go figure! "Baby" has spent at least a week lambasting Sarah(The Alaskan)Palin, last time I checked, she occupied the 2nd spot on the ticket.. WAKE UP "BABY", she is not running for the Prez job, you are DUMMY!! It also appears that "Baby" Barack has now joined every other candidate of any ilk in using the Lipstick on a Pig metaphor!! I have undoubtedly begun to tire of the rhetoric and the accusations and inuendos, maybe it is time for a serious debate about the issues that affect us all.
1. Why does Wal-Mart have 25 registers and only 6 cashiers?
2. Why doesn't Wal-Mart and Sam's Club occupy the same building?
3. Did anyone tell the Chinese that the Olympics are over?
4. Was Jimmy Carter in Georgia when Russia invaded?
5. How many "Reality" shows are too many?
6. Why do stores have "Buy One Get One Free", wouldn't it be easier to sell it at half price?
7. Is John McCain really still alive?
8. Is Barack middle name really Hussein?
9. Why not just say we had an election and move on?
10. Why not elect an American Idol instead?

Those are the questions gripping the American public today, to hell with Oil, let's watch Football!

Until next time, Good night Mrs. Calabash

And Sam' the Phils are 2-1/2 back.

Hey Sully this one's for you!